Tool properties in tool registration files

I discovered this feature by accident when setting up a new tool and configuring its registration file. The registration file is what you use to wire up a webapp in Sakai so that it can be added to sites. You can give it a title, description, tell it what site types are supported and a few other settings.

One of the recent features in Sakai is the ability to get a direct URL to any tool within Sakai. This is useful when you want to link to a tool without the portal around it.


Note the links on the right hand side are part of the tool registration. The ones on the left are controlled within the tool code itself and together it makes for a nice navbar when in full screen mode.

However, if you have a tool that doesn’t need any header items, for example a summary tool or widget, and there are multiples of them on screen, you still get the Link and Help items which can clutter the UI. You can disable the Help in the tool registration file via:

<configuration name="help.button" value="false" />

However the Link doesn’t have a corresponding configuration option (oversight maybe… blame me, I wrote the code…). However you can disable it with a tool property – although this is normally something reserved for an admin user to set into the tool placement within the portal, which is a manual step per placement. But what I have discovered is that you can add the tool property to the tool registration file and it is automatically linked up! Magic.

<configuration name="sakai:tool-directurl-enabled" value="true" />

This is coming in very handy as we are creating a series of relatively small widgets to place on the home screen of a site and the header toolbar was cluttering the UI. Now it is nice and clean with the header toolbar completely removed.
